I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. Ours was lovely. This year Christmas Eve was pretty much like any other day because Charlie was out doing some shopping for the house. What shopping you may ask? More about that later.
Christmas day was so nice. By 6:00am we relented and let the children get up. They had been up multiple times starting at (go ahead guess-- 5:00? no. 4:00? Not even close. ) 2:00 am. Needless to say Mommy was a bit tired. We all saw what Santa brought us and then got ready for church. By 11:00 we were back at home, but brunch in the oven, and opened the rest of our Christmas gifts.
All the gift were well received. Actually that is a huge understatement. There was much hooting, hollering, and screams of joy. Model Magic has been swished. Games have been played. Tents have been pitched. Science experiments have been performed. Dolls have been put to bed. It was great!
Hope your Christmas was equally blessed.