There are many good products available, and just because I haven't recommended a product doesn't mean it isn't good. It may mean that I haven't used it. For example, I've heard Saxon math is very good, but I've never used it so I'm not going to list it.
Mother of Divine Grace- Classsical
Mater Amabilis- Charlotte Mason
Math U See Video lesson and manipulatives make for very clear instruction.
Teach You Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons It has scripted lessons for ease of use.
Getty-Dubay Italics Handwriting An attractive looking alphabet. Easy to read and especially good for boy since it lacks extra loops and curlicues.
Drawing Textbook by Bruce McIntyre. This book teaches the basics of three dimensional drawing. It's thorough and very inexpensive
Artistic Pursuits This program is multi-aged and teaches about different medium along with art history. The activities are not crafts or reproducing another persons art, but allow the children to be totally creative. A bit expensive, but completely worth the money.
The Faith and Life Series- A catechism that is totally faithful to the Catholic Church and is beautiful as well. It has questions and answers like the old St. Joesph Baltimore Catechism, but it is aligned to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and references it in the answers.
Friendly Defenders Flashcards- beginning apologetics
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