Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sad News

Harmony is no longer available for adoption.  This is so sad.  These children with special needs face a horrific future if they are not adopted.  It is beyond grim.  They will either leave the orphanage with, at best, a substandard education, no support and no place in society as being an orphan carries a huge social stigma, OR they will be transferred to a mental institution where they will live for the rest of their life. 

Please pray for these sweet children.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Emergency Adoption!!

A 15 year old girl in Asia with Downs Syndrome needs a family right now.  She will age out in July and lose her chance at having a family forever.

From the family who is advocating for her:

"…she needs a family to step forward quickly who is “already home study-approved, has their USCIS approval, and is registered with the officials from her country,” otherwise she will live out her years in a mental institution."

"Harmony" is adorable.  If you want more information you can visit Reece's Rainbow or The Blessing of Verity.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


"We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song"
Bl John Paul II

Monday, April 9, 2012

An Unplanned Adoption

We didn't mean to do it.  Really, sometimes these things just happen.  We were at the park and saw  a baby in need.  After speaking to the park to park staff we found out that he had been abandoned in a bathroom.  He has amber colored eyes and the sweetest little nose. 

Introducing the newest addition to the family . . .

Koshka (Russian for cat)
Jophus made the boys gymnastics team!!!!   He has been working for this for over a year now, and I am so proud of him.  Congratulations, my sweet boy!
I am here today to let everyone know that punctuation is our friend.  Ok, folks, let please remember that a well placed comma or period help others to understand what you are trying to say.  I have spent untold hours teaching my children complex (and clearly archaic) grammar rules such as statements end in a period and capitalize the first letter of a sentence.  If you are out of elementary school, you have no excuse.  Sheesh!

Sorry, lost it after trying to read comments after a news article.  Rant over. 
A Happy and Blessed Easter to You!

Christ is Risen!
Indeed,  He is Risen!

Dirty Dishes-Scotty McCreery

Friday, April 6, 2012

An Unexpected Gift

God has blessed me in many, many ways.  I have more than anyone person could ever hope for, and yet a few days ago God once again poured out another blessing.  A dear friend that I had lost touch with contacted me.  Although we did not have much time to speak, I know we will take more time soon. 

God is good!

I love the Triduum

As my faith life has grown I have been blessed to fall in love with the Triduum, that is to say Holy thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil.  Our family has attended all three services for the past six years or so and they equal about 8 hours of church attendance.  If you don't go, boy are you missing out!  My Easter experience is so much richer for having gone.

On Holy Thursday we celebrate the institution of the priesthood and the Last Supper.  Every year twelve member of the parish are chosen, and our pastor tenderly washes their feet as Jesus did.  I was chosen several years ago, and it was incredibly moving.

On Good Friday we hear about out Lord's Passion and then we have the opportunity to venerate the cross.

Easter Vigil at our parish is inspired.  The introductory reading take you though salvation history and are set to music.  We bless the new Easter candle and everyone lights a small candle from it.  this is also the night that new (adult) members of parish are welcomed into the Church.  We have Baptisms, First Communions and Confirmations. 

I hope your Easter traditions deepen your relationship with Chist.  God bless you!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Visited the Preschool

I did in fact go to visit the preschool that our psychologist.  It is pretty special.  The ratio of teachers to students is 4:1 or better with a maximum of 7 children.  Each family has a consultant who is a psychotherapist, M.D., psychologist or similar.  The teachers and consultants meet weekly to design the program for the children with therapies and interventions for each child.  Wow!

They are full right now, of course.  If we still feel the need, we will talk to them in the summer or fall.

EEG Results

Little Bear's EEG results came back normal.  We have also had speech and OT/ Sensory testing done through the school and will have it done privately as well.  Thus far all is well.