Saturday, February 27, 2010

I am so Proud!

This one's for you Grandma---

Both boys have recently completed a sewing project. And not just a small one. No. They each made a pair of pajama pants! As a matter of fact, Wonder Boy did not want my help at all. I think all i did was insert the elastic into the waist and sew it together, then sew the channel closed.

For those of who don't know me, my mom was a home ec. teacher and I refused to learn to sew from her. This caused no small amount of tension and strife. Sorry, Mom. I learned to sew this past summer when we decided to take up the hobby of Civil War re-enactment. I put myself through a six week sew boot camp where failure is not having clothes to wear or looking like you are re-enacting the life of someone whose clothes all burned up in a fire. Since then I have really begun to enjoy sew as well. i believe when i have a little bit more spare time I'll even learn to knit and crochet.

Apart from a little fun and novelty (what 5 and 7 year old boys can say that they made their own pajamas?-- and just the way they wanted them, too.) my other goal was to actually to begin to teach the kids to sew. Wouldn't it be great if by the time they were in their early teen they could make their own Civil War clothes? Charlie also helps make the clothes, but I'd love to spread it out and make them responsible for their own clothing and research.

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